Our hotels

Jannat Regency Bishkek

Jannat Regency Bishkek

Luxury business class hotel
Jannat Resort Koy-Tash

Jannat Resort Koy-Tash

Comfortable conditions and unique atmosphere
Jannat Resort Osh

Jannat Resort Osh

Cozy atmosphere and unique atmosphere
Jannat Regency Jalal-Abad

Jannat Regency Jalal-Abad

Pleasant environment and special atmosphere
Sultan Bishkek

Sultan Bishkek

Comfortable environment and unique spirit
Sultan Jalal-Abad

Sultan Jalal-Abad

Favorable conditions and pleasant atmosphere
Sultan Kyzyl Kiya

Sultan Kyzyl Kiya

A comfortable environment and a unique aura

Our brands

Jannat hotels and resorts
Sultan hotels

Hotel chain Jannat group

The best traditions of hospitality

  • 7 hotels
  • 343 rooms
  • More than 50,000 guests
  • Seasonal promotions

Our hotels on the map